AChems Bylaws

Article I.  NAME 
The name of the Society shall be the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS).
Article II.  PURPOSE
The purpose of the Society shall be:
         (a) to develop greater understanding of chemosensory mechanisms;
         (b) to encourage basic, clinical, and applied research in the chemical senses;
         (c) to promote an appreciation, beyond the chemosensory community itself, of the need and impact of chemosensory research;
         (d) to advance the interests of the chemosensory research community; and
         (e) to act as a resource for those requiring chemosensory expertise.


  • Section 1.  Members
    The Society shall have two classes of members: Individual and Corporate.
  • Section 2.  Individual Members
    Any individual who has an interest in the advancement of knowledge in chemosensory science and who subscribes to the goals of AChemS shall be eligible to apply for Regular Membership. Applicants for Student Membership (undergraduate, graduate students) must be enrolled in appropriately oriented programs at degree-granting institutions of higher education and must be sponsored by a Regular member in good standing. Applicants for Emeritus membership shall be any individual who has an interest in chemical senses, holds emeritus status at an academic, clinical, governmental or industrial institution and who has been a Regular Member of AChemS in good standing for at least five (5) years.
  • Section 3.  Corporate Members
    Organizations willing to help the Society achieve its objectives shall be eligible for Corporate member status. 
  • Section 4.  Dues and Assessment
    The Executive Committee shall set the annual dues and establish any special assessments taking into consideration the recommendations of the Treasurer and the Chairs of the Membership and Program Committees. The membership year shall commence on the first day of July and the dues for any particular membership year shall be established and paid in advance of that year's Annual Meeting.
  • Section 5.  Termination of Membership
    Individual and Corporate Memberships may be terminated for conduct deemed detrimental to the pursuit of the Society's objectives. Such termination shall be considered by the Executive Committee after recommendation by the Chair of the Membership Committee. The President shall give written notice to the Individual or Corporate Member of the reasons for possible termination and invite that member to participate in the Executive Committee's consideration of the case. In addition to deciding whether a member's affiliation should be terminated, the Executive Committee shall also be empowered to negotiate mutually acceptable methods with the member to ameliorate the cause of concern.
  • Section 6. Exceptions
    Exception to membership requirements may be granted by the Executive Committee.
  • Section 7. Voting Rights
    Individual members will have voting rights with respect to the elections of members of the Executive Committee, Bylaw amendments, and any other matter in which applicable law requires a membership vote.
  • Section 8. Membership Meetings
    There shall be an annual business meeting of members with voting rights, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. A quorum for the annual business meeting shall be 5% of members with voting rights.


  • Section 1.  Executive Committee
    The Society's affairs shall be conducted through a nine member Executive Committee comprised of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Membership Chair, the Program Chair, and the Junior and Senior Councilors, all having one vote. Each newly constituted Executive Committee shall serve from the close of the Society's annual meeting to the close of the Society's next annual meeting.
  • Section 2.  Meetings 
    The Executive Committee shall meet at the beginning of the Society's Annual Meeting and at other times and places it deems advisable. Six members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum; the presiding officer shall have the right to vote along with the other members on all questions. Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote, except the Senior Advisor, and decisions shall be reached by affirmative majority. The Executive Committee may hold meetings in person, via telephone, fax or videoconferencing.  In addition, the Executive Committee may take action outside of a meeting by unanimous written action, including via fax or email. If any such action is not unanimous but is supported by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may proceed with that action, provided that it is ratified by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.  Just as with regular business meetings, written record of all business transactions, no matter what means of communications, shall be overseen by the Secretary. In the event that the President is unable to preside over a meeting of the Executive Committee, the Past-President shall preside. If neither the President nor the Past-President can preside, the President-Elect shall do so.

Article V. OFFICERS 

  • Section 1.  Officers
    The officers of the Society shall be the President, the Past-President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
  • Section 2.  President
    The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and shall preside at all business meetings of the Society including those of the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. The President shall be responsible for implementing the decisions, policies and resolutions of the Society. The President shall be the official spokesperson and the chief fundraiser for the Society, dutie which he/she may delegate as the occasion demands. The President shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a term of two years. The election for President-Elect will take place near the end of the first year of the current President. The President shall not be eligible to serve another consecutive term but shall instead serve one additional year as Past-President.
  • Section 3. President-Elect 
    The President-Elect shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a term of one year, overlapping with the second year of the current President’s term. In the following term he/she shall assume the office of President. The President-Elect shall assist the President and serve on the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. The President-Elect shall Chair the Awards Committee. In the absence of both the President and Past-President, the President-Elect shall preside over business meetings of the Society.
  • Section 4.  Past-President
    The Past-President shall serve a term of one year, overlapping with the first year of the current President’s term. He/she shall advise and assist the President and serve on the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. In the absence of the President, the Past-President shall preside over business meetings of the Society. The Past-President shall also serve as the Chair of the Elections Committee.
  • Section 5.  Treasurer
    The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Society.  He/she shall oversee full and accurate accounting of all disbursements and receipts of the Society. He/she shall be able to give an account of the financial transactions and financial status of the Society when requested to do so by the Executive Committee, and he/she shall make a full financial report to the members of the Society at the annual business meeting.  The Treasurer shall have signatory powers and shall oversee the development of an annual budget.  The Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall also serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee.  The Treasurer shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a three-year term of office.  No elected Treasurer shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
  • Section 6.  Secretary
    The Secretary shall oversee the recording of the proceedings of the annual business meeting, all meetings of the Executive Committee and all other meetings, which may be specially convened. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to oversee preparation of the minutes of these meetings and have them distributed to the Society's membership.  The Secretary shall carry on whatever correspondence the Executive Committee deems necessary and shall oversee the website, newsletters and AChemS’ online presence. The Secretary shall also be a member of the Executive Committee. He/she shall be elected by the Individual Members to a two-year term of office. No elected Secretary shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
  • Section 7. Timing of Officer Elections
    The President-Elect shall be elected every other year and the Program Committee Chair-Elect shall be elected every year.  The Secretary and one Councilor shall be elected every other year, alternating with the biennial election of the Membership Committee Chair and the other Councilor.  The Treasurer shall be elected every third year.


  • Section 1. Councilors
    The Councilors shall participate and vote in the Executive Committee's deliberations, and shall oversee awards as assigned by the Executive Committee.  Additionally, the Councilors will organize and implement educational outreach activities with the local community at the Annual Meeting, when facilities are available to do so. A Councilor shall also be a member of the Bylaws Committee as appointed by the President. The Executive Committee may assign additional tasks to the Councilors. The Junior Councilor shall be elected by the Individual Members to a one-year term of office and automatically assume the Senior Councilor position for a second one-year term. No elected Councilor shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving the two year step-wise term.
  • Section 2. Membership Chair
    The Membership Chair’s primary duty will be to monitor membership trends. At the Chair’s discretion, and in consultation with the President, he/she shall establish a Membership Committee as needed, and preside over the proceedings of that Committee. He/she shall bring before the Membership Committee issues related to the membership, and those matters that the Executive Committee deems important. He/she shall be elected by the Individual Members to a two-year term of office. No Membership Chair shall be eligible for re-election to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
  • Section 3. Program Chair
    The Program Chair shall preside over the proceedings of the Program Committee, and he/she shall keep the Executive Committee updated on the Program Committee’s activities. He/she shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Program Committee in the development of the Annual Meeting. The Program Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Industry Liaison Committee. The Program Chair shall serve for a two-year term, the first year as Program Chair-Elect and the second year as Program Chair.
  • Section 4. Postdoctoral Representative and Graduate Student Representative
    The Postdoctoral Representative and Graduate Student Representative shall participate as voting members of the Executive Committee, particularly on issues of relevance to Postdoctoral and Student Members. Each will be elected by the Individual Members to a two-year term of office. No elected Postdoctoral Representative or Graduate Student Representative shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
  • Section 5. Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair
    The Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall participate as voting members of the Executive Committee. Each will be elected by the Individual Members to a three-year term of office. No elected Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.


  • Section 1.  Membership Committee
    The Membership Chair may establish a Membership Committee as needed, in consultation with the President. If such a Committee is established it shall consist of a Membership Chair and four more members. Members of the Membership Committee shall serve one year terms, renewable for up to three years consecutively.  
  • Section 2.  Program Committee
    The Program Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of all aspects of the Annual Meeting other than those related to the business sessions, while operating within the budget established by the Executive Committee. When developing the meeting's scientific and social programs, and selecting its time and place, the Program Committee shall solicit suggestions from the membership and work closely with the Executive Committee. The Program Committee shall oversee the selection of the participants in all scientific sessions.  It shall be the further responsibility of the Program Committee to keep the membership informed of the meeting's development. 
    The Chair of the Program Committee shall preside over the proceedings of the Committee, and he/she shall keep the Executive Committee updated on the Program Committee's activities.  He/she shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Program Committee in the development and acceptance of programs for the scientific and social sessions of the meetings.  He/she shall keep the Program Committee aware of fiscal constraints and other limitations, as interpreted by the Executive Committee, which may affect its program development.  The Program Committee Chair shall oversee contractual arrangements for items already agreed to in principle by the Executive Committee, but all contractual arrangements involving a financial liability over an amount set by the Executive Committee and all contractual arrangements changing the previous practice or policy must be specifically approved by the Executive Committee. The Program Chair shall serve for a two-year term, the first year as Program Chair-Elect and the second year as Program Chair.  There is no election of the Program Chair because the previous year's Program Chair-Elect shall assume this office.
    PROGRAM CHAIR-ELECT: The Program Chair-Elect shall be elected by the Individual Members for a term of one year. In the following year, he/she assumes the office of Program Chair. The Program Chair-Elect shall assist the Program Chair and Program Committee in the development of the Annual Meeting at the behest of the Program Chair. In the event that the Program Chair is unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities, the Program Chair-Elect will complete the unfinished term of the Program Chair. In the event the Program Chair-Elect has to complete the term of the Program Chair, the Executive Committee shall decide, whether he/she will serve again as Program Chair the following year, or if a special election to fill both the Program Chair and Program Chair-Elect positions is necessary.  

The Program Committee shall be comprised of at least 12 members, with three of the members being the Program Chair, Past Program Chair and Program Chair-Elect. Program Committee members will each serve a three-year term. The Program Chair, with the approval of the President, shall replace those committee members that are rotating off with members to be chosen to represent the diversity and different interests of the Society.

  • Section 3.  Finance Committee
    The Finance Committee shall advise the Treasurer and the Executive Committee as to how the Society might improve its financial situation enabling it to more fully achieve its objectives.   The Finance Committee shall also aid and advise the Treasurer in preparing the budget, managing the reserve funds, and any other financial matters. The Treasurer, as the Chair of the Finance Committee shall preside over all meetings of the Finance Committee and shall be the liaison between the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee. The Treasurer, with the approval of the President, shall replace those committee members who are rotating off with members who represent the diversity and different interest of the Society. Each committee members will serve a three-year term.
  • Section 4. Public Information and Affairs Committee
    The Public Information and Affairs Committee acts as the contact for the Society and shall liaise with and assist with general inquiries from federal agencies, corporations, researchers, media outlets and the general public. The Public Information and Affairs Committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee activities that foster a better appreciation of the chemical senses, and implement those activities approved by the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall liaise with the Councilors regarding the educational outreach activities when one takes place at the Annual Meeting. The Public Information and Affairs Committee shall monitor governmental or public actions  that could affect research or training in the chemical senses and shall bring such information to the attention of the Executive Committee and the Society's membership.  The Chair of the Public Information and Affairs Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Chair and committee members shall serve a three-year term, eligible for renewal subject to approval by the Executive Committee.  
  • Section 5.  Industry Liaison Committee
    The Industry Liaison Committee shall keep in close contact with the Society's Corporate members and shall present their views on particular matters to the appropriate officers or committees. The Industry Liaison Committee shall be responsible for planning the Industry Symposium at the Annual Meeting and also for developing and implementing a sponsorship campaign and marketing plan to raise monies for the Annual Meeting. The Chair of the Industry Liaison Committee shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the members of the Society who are based in industrial organizations. The Chair will serve a three-year term. The Chair, with the approval of the President, shall replace those committee members who are rotating off with members who represent both the industrial and academic interests of the Society. The Chair and  committee members shall serve a three-year term, eligible for renewal subject to approval by the Executive Committee. 
  • Section 6.  Elections Committee
    The Elections Committee shall be composed of three to five members. The Chair shall be either the Past-President or an individual appointed by the Executive Committee (in alternate years). The Chair shall serve a one-year term. The Elections Committee will include two members of the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Elections Committee is ineligible to stand for office in the Society during his/her tenure on the Elections Committee. The other members of the Elections Committee shall be nominated by the Past-President and approved by the Executive Committee. Committee members except those from the Executive Committee shall serve a one-year term.  
    The Elections Committee shall have the responsibility of overseeing the entire election process.  At least 120 days prior to the next Annual Meeting, the Committee shall solicit from the entire membership nominees for each of the offices to be filled.  All of the Individual Members of the Society in good standing are eligible for nomination to any office, except where prohibited by the Bylaws. From these nominations and from its own nominations, the Elections Committee shall prepare a slate of eligible candidates for elective office with no fewer than two or more than three names for each office.  Due consideration shall be given to the various constituencies in the Society's membership.  The name of a particular eligible member can be assured a place on the ballot for any given office if the Elections Committee is provided with a petition to that effect signed by 10% of the Individual Members, of whom no more than five shall be at any one institution. If more than three persons are nominated by member petition for the same position, the Elections Committee shall decide which three nominees will be placed on the ballot. The Elections Committee shall obtain the consent of each nominee before he/she is included on the ballot.  At least 60 days prior to the next Annual Meeting, the slate of nominees shall be announced to the membership and balloting shall begin under supervision of the Elections Committee. The balloting process shall extend over 30 days, with an announced deadline for casting of ballots. Elections shall be decided by simple plurality, and those elected shall be notified immediately.  
  • Section 7. Mentoring/Networking Committee
    The Mentoring/Networking Committee shall increase visibility and participation of junior members in the Society as well as increase mentorship opportunities between junior and senior members. The Committee is also responsible for organizing activities during the Annual Meeting that may be of special interest to members.

    Junior members are generally defined as undergraduate students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.
  • The Chair of the Mentoring/Networking Committee shall be elected by the membership. They shall also serve on the Diversity Committee. The Chair and committee members shall serve a three-year term. The chair shall not be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after serving two consecutive terms. The composition of the Committee should be reflective of members who are graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and more established investigators.
  • Section 8. Bylaws Committee
    The Bylaws Committee shall be comprised of the President, President-Elect, Past President, Senior Advisor and a Councilor.  The Committee will be called upon to make revisions to the bylaws and present changes to the membership as needed.
  • Section 9. AChemS Representation on the International Committee on Olfaction and Taste (ICOT)
    AChemS representation on ICOT shall include a Chair and two committee members, appointed by the President. Terms of the Chair and members should be staggered to provide continuity over the 12 year rotation of the ISOT meeting between European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO), Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell (JASTS) and AChemS The AChemS Chair and committee members will represent AChemS during meetings of ICOT held during their term, and shall be responsible for reporting back to the Executive Committee. During the three years leading up to the ISOT Meeting hosted by AChemS, the AChemS/ISOT Program Chair, once identified, will also represent AChemS on the ICOT.
  • Section 10. Diversity Committee
    The Diversity Committee shall increase visibility and participation of underrepresented minorities in the sciences in the Society and at the Annual Meeting.
    The Committee shall oversee the Travel Fellowships for Diversity Awards, in compliance with any grants aims in effect and /or as directed by the Executive Committee.
    The Chair of the Diversity Committee shall be elected by the membership. They shall also serve on the Mentoring/Networking Committee. The Chair and committee members shall serve a three-year term. The chair shall not be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
  • Section 11. Awards Committee
    The Awards Committee is chaired by the President-Elect or an individual appointed by the Executive Committee (in alternate years) who serves for 1 year, and shall be composed of 8-10 members selected by the chair with approval from the President. Each committee member will serve for 3 years, with roughly 1/3rd of the membership replaced each year. The Awards Committee will supervise and select winners for several awards, including: The Max Mozell Award for senior investigators; The Barry Jacobs Memorial Award, The Ajinomoto Award, and The AChemS Young Investigator Award for mid-career investigators; as well as the Don Tucker Memorial Award for graduate students. The Chair will send out a Call for Award Nominations for senior and mid-career candidates in advance of the annual meeting, with nominations due ~2 months later. A prime responsibility of each committee member is to ensure a sufficiently large and diverse group of nominees for each Award. Each Committee member will evaluate and rank nominees following guidelines established by the Committee. Final deliberations will take place in person, via videoconference or via similar mechanisms and include the President (non-voting capacity) and a liaison of the Association’s professional management. Winners will be notified in advance of the meeting and their presentations incorporated into the annual meeting by the Program Chair. Nominees for the Tucker Award will self-identify via the abstract submission process, and the Committee will establish guidelines to evaluate nominee presentations at the annual meeting.
  • Section 12. Clinical Committee
    The Clinical Committee shall represent the clinical issues related to the chemical senses, e.g. smell loss or taste distortions. It shall increase public awareness of the chemical senses being of high significance for our daily lives. The Committee is also responsible for organizing activities during the Annual Meeting related to clinical issues, including a “clinical symposium”, discussion rounds and/or workshops relevant to the chemical senses in clinical practice.
    The Chair of the Clinical Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Chair and committee members shall serve a three-year term, eligible for renewal subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chair, with the approval of the President, shall replace those committee members who are rotating off. The composition of the Committee should be reflective of members who are clinically active and/or see patients with smell and/or taste disorders on a regular basis.
  • Section 13. Federal Liaison Committee
    The Federal Liaison Committee shall advise and assist the President and the Executive Committee regarding interactions with federal agencies relevant to the promotion and support of scientific research and training in the chemical senses. The Chair and committee members will be appointed by the President for a three-year term with the possibility of renewal. The committee will consist of a minimum of 5 established researchers representative of the broad scientific interests and approaches of AChemS members.
  • Section 14. Grants Committee
    The Grants Committee is responsible for writing AChemS grant proposals and monitoring progress of grant goals on a yearly basis. The Committee will report findings to the Executive Committee on a yearly basis, and make recommendations for changes in the annual meeting if necessary. The Chair will be the principal investigator of the AChemS NIDCD R13 Conference Grant. He/she will coordinate competitive submission of the grant proposal and the annual progress report with the President of AChemS, with the Chairs of other committees, the present, past and current meeting Chairs, and the administrative staff.
  • Section 15. History Committee
    The History Committee serves the membership by researching and maintaining historical documents, photographs, commentaries and videos related to the founding of AChemS through subsequent years. The goal is to enhance understanding of the history of the Association and the classic work of early members. A major function is to highlight the long-standing contributions of past, retired and senior AChemS members so that there is a chemosensory knowledge bridge to junior colleagues and students.
    The Committee will organize and categorize historical items from the Association, will present the history of AChemS and the history of chemosensory sciences to the membership in active formats at annual AChemS meetings, and will establish a ready means of communication with senior scientists no longer active in AChemS.
    The Committee will include 5 to 7 regular members to represent a breadth of knowledge about the early history and current stages of the Association. The Chair and members will be appointed by the Executive Committee to 3 year renewable, staggered terms.
  • Section 16. Social Media Committee
    The Social Media Committee shall keep in close contact with the Society's general membership and shall assist the secretary in maintaining the Society’s social media presence. The Social Media Committee shall be responsible for planning communications on behalf of the Society. All members of the Social Media Committee should demonstrate a certain level of accountability and integrity, and thus, must agree to abide by the AChemS Social Media Policy as part of their terms of service. The Chair of the Social Media Committee shall be the Secretary of the organization. Committee members shall serve a three-year term, eligible for renewal subject to approval by the Executive Committee. The Chair, with the approval of the President, shall replace those committee members who are rotating off. The Chair of the Public Information and Affairs Committee will also serve as a member of the Social Media Committee, to ensure coordination in communication across different media.
  • Section 17. Strategic Planning Committee
    The Strategic Planning Committee shall be a standing committee with the duty of an annual review of (a) the AChemS mission statement and (b) the Strategic Plan with proposed modifications as needed. The committee is also charged with making other long-range planning recommendations. The committee shall include a Chair and at least three but not more than seven representative committee members with the Chair appointed by the President. The Chair, with approval of the President shall appoint committee members. The Chair and committee members shall serve a three-year term. The Chair shall not be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after one term.
  • Section 18. Resource-Development Committee
    The Resource-Development Committee shall be a standing committee with the duty of development planning and fund raising for the long-range financial health of AChemS, and supporting its educational programs, diversity programs, membership growth and travel supplements. The committee is also charged with making other long-range resource development recommendations. The committee will create a 12-month resource-development plan to be distributed to potential donors and will follow this with an impact report. The committee shall be Chaired by the President and comprised of the Past-President, the President-Elect, the Industry Liaison Chair(s), the Treasurer, the Grants Committee Chair, the Membership Committee Chair, and anyone else deemed necessary by the President. The committee members’ terms shall be defined by their AChemS positions whether elected or appointed.
  • Section 19.   Committee Appointments
    Unless described differently above,   the President, in consultation with the Chair of each Standing Committee, shall appoint members of that committee.   Later additions to a committee shall require the approval of the President and no person may act as an agent of any committee without either being a member of that committee or being sanctioned to do so by the President.
  • Section 20. Ad Hoc Committees
    The Executive Committee may appoint Ad Hoc Committees as needed for specific purposes. Such committees shall not exist for more than five (5) years, although committees may be renewed for one additional period of not more than five (5) years by approval of the Executive Committee.


In the event that the President cannot complete his/her term, the President-Elect shall complete the unfinished term as well as serve the succeeding term. If the President-Elect cannot complete his/her own term or the vacated term of the President, the Elections Committee shall produce a slate of candidates for a special election.  Ballots shall be made available to all members upon dates decided by the Executive Committee. Voting shall be available for at least 15, but no more than 30 days. If the Past-President cannot complete his/her term of office, that office shall be filled with one of the previous Past-Presidents beginning with the most recent one.  If for some reason the office of Past-President must remain unfilled, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Chair of the Elections Committee, who shall serve only in that capacity and shall have none of the other duties of a Past-President.

If the Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Committee Chair, Program Committee Chair-Elect, or a Councilor cannot complete his/her term of office, the Executive Committee in joint voting with the Elections Committee shall elect a replacement to complete the unfinished term.  For any vacancies not specifically provided for in these Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to complete the unfinished term.

If any of the other officers cannot complete his/her term of office, the Executive Committee in joint voting with the Elections Committee shall elect a replacement to complete the unfinished term. For any vacancies not specifically provided for in these Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to complete the unfinished term.

The Executive Committee may remove any officer by unanimous vote of all other members of the Executive Committee.


These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the Society by vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Society present at the Business meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been made available to all members as provided herein.

Alternatively, the Bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members of the Society that respond to an internet-based call for a vote, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been made available to all members as provided herein. The voting process, which can occur online, by email, fax or other means as determined by the Executive Committee, shall extend over a period of thirty (30) days, with an announced deadline for the casting of votes.

Petitions containing proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing and signed by at least ten (10) voting members of the Society, of whom no more than two may be at any one institution, at least sixty (60) days before a scheduled Annual Meeting. Amendments to these Bylaws may also be proposed by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Executive Committee.

A copy of any proposed Bylaws changes or amendments shall be sent to all Society members at least thirty (30) days before the annual business meeting at which they are to be voted upon, or at least thirty (30) days before the start of an online voting period.

Bylaws amended April 19, 2024
