Membership Types & Information

Regular Membership

Any individual who has an interest in or has done research in chemoreception, completed a post-baccalaureate terminal degree and is affiliated with an academic, clinical, governmental or industrial institution.

Annual Dues

$265 ($207 membership and $58 for online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fee for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Listing in the AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges
  • Eligible to propose symposia for annual meetings and submit an abstract for the annual meeting

Postdoctoral Membership

Any individual who has an interest in or has done research in chemoreception and is five years post acquisition of PhD.

Option 1: $75 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $133 ($75 for membership and $58 online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fee for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Listing in the AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges
  • Eligible to propose symposia for annual meetings and submit an abstract for the annual meeting

Postbac Membership

College graduates not currently enrolled in a graduate program who received their bachelor’s degrees less than three years prior to the membership year or college graduates who received their master’s degrees less than two years prior to the membership year.

Option 1: $40 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $98 ($40 for membership and $58 online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fees for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Ability to include membership in a national society on your CV
  • Eligible to submit an abstract for the annual meeting
  • Listing in AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges

Undergraduate Student Membership

An undergraduate who is currently enrolled in appropriately oriented programs at degree-granting institutions of higher education. All student members must list their advisor in the application process. Postdoctoral fellows and students who have received a PhD., M.D. or equivalent advanced degree are not eligible for student membership.

Option 1: $40 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $98 ($40 for membership and $58 online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fees for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Eligible to compete for the Tucker Memorial Award
  • Ability to include membership in a national society on your CV
  • Eligible to submit an abstract for the annual meeting
  • Listing in AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges

Graduate Student Membership

A graduate student who is currently enrolled in appropriately oriented programs at degree-granting institutions of higher education. All student members must list their advisor in the application process. Postdoctoral fellows and students who have received a PhD., M.D. or equivalent advanced degree are not eligible for student membership.

Option 1: $50 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $108 ($50 for membership and $58 online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fees for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Eligible to compete for the Tucker Memorial Award
  • Ability to include membership in a national society on your CV
  • Eligible to submit an abstract for the annual meeting
  • Listing in AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges

*Developing Nations

*Countries NOT Considered Developing Nations: US, Canada, Israel, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

Option 1: $40 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $98 ($40 for membership and $58 online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fees for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Ability to include membership in a national society on your CV
  • Eligible to submit an abstract for the annual meeting
  • Listing in AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges

Emeritus Membership

Any individual who has an interest in the chemical senses, holds emeritus status at an academic, clinical, governmental or industrial institution, and who has been a Regular Member of AChemS in good standing for at least five (5) consecutive years. Emeritus Members receive gratis membership. Please contact the Executive Office if you are eligible for Emeritus Membership.

Option 1: $25 (Membership Only)
Option 2: $83 (Online subscription to Chemical Senses)


  • Reduced registration fees for the annual meeting
  • Access to archived Career Networking Seminars
  • Listing in AChemS online directory
  • Voting privileges
  • Eligible to propose symposia for annual meetings and submit an abstract for the annual meeting

Corporate Membership

Organizations willing to help the Society achieve its objectives shall be eligible for Corporate member status.

$1000 (Membership Only)


  • One individual Regular Membership in AChemS (which includes reduced member registration rates for the annual meeting)
  • An online journal subscription to Chemical Senses
If you are interested in a Corporate membership please contact the AChemS Executive Office: [email protected]
Refund Policy

As a general rule, there are no refunds for membership dues payments. Appeals of this policy will be considered on an individual basis.
