AChemS Career Networking Seminar Series

The AChemS Mentoring and Networking Committee has launched the Career Networking Seminar Series featuring junior and senior investigators. The series is targeted at facilitating scientific exchange, career development and networking. Each talk will be approximately 20 minutes, leaving time for 10 minutes of questions. There will be two talks per seminar: one from a senior and one from a junior researcher.

This seminar series will occur in a virtual Zoom room begining at 10 or 11AM ET. A recording of the seminar will be available on the AChemS website for all participants to view for up to 30 days.

In addition to live seminars, ACHEMS MEMBERS may view any past recording for no charge. Upon clicking on a link below, you will be asked to log into your ACHEMS Member Account to access any past seminar videos.

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