BYLAWS: Article V. Officers, Section 2. President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and shall preside at all business meetings of the Society including those of the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. The President shall be responsible for implementing the decisions, policies and resolutions of the Society. The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Society, a duty which he/she may delegate as the occasion demands. The President shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a term of one year. He/she shall not be eligible to serve another consecutive term but shall instead serve one term as the next Past-President. The following year, he/she shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee in the capacity of Senior Advisor.
PRINCIPAL ROLE: Act as primary contact for AChemS with federal agencies, corporations, researchers, and the public.
- Set goals for AChemS, propose new directions within the context of the long term strategic plan if applicable
- Develop and nurture professional liaisons
- Serve as Chair of the Bylaws Committee
- Maintain communication with the Executive Committee on a regular basis regarding association activities
- Arrange Presidential Symposium for the AChemS Annual Meeting; identify topic and invite speakers according to speaker guidelines and in consultation with the Program Chair
- Prepare agenda and arrange Executive Committee Midyear meeting, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Chair, and report to, the Executive Committee at Executive Committee Midyear meeting (typically held via conference call)
- Invite NIH and NSF representatives to the Annual Meeting
- Work with Executive Office regarding future annual meeting venues if applicable
- Write President's Message for newsletter
- Prepare agenda and arrange Executive Committee meeting, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Chair, and report to the Executive Committee at, the Executive Committee meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- Prepare agenda and arrange Business Meeting, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Chair, and report to the members at, the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
BYLAWS: Article V. Officers, Section 3. President-Elect
The President-Elect shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a term of one year. In the following term he/she shall assume the office of President. The President-Elect shall assist the President and serve on the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. The President-Elect shall Chair the Awards Committee. In the absence of both the President and Past-President, the President-Elect shall preside over business meetings of the Society.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Assist the President and Chair the Awards Committee
- Assist the President in the execution of his/her duties
- Serve on the Executive Committee
- Serve as Chair of the Awards Committee
- Serve on the Bylaws Committee
- Chair Executive Committee and Business Meetings if neither the President nor the Past President are able to do so
- Appoint new members to the Awards Committee, to be approved by the Executive Committee (the Awards Committee vets the nominated awards)
- Contact corporate sponsors of awards, verify award amount and solicit their participation in the Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Executive Office and the Industry Liaison Committee
- Develop Call for Applications and Nominations for Awards; send via broadcast email to members, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- Coordinate Awards Committee review of award nominees in a timely and fair manner
- Notify award winners and ensure that checks, plaques and ribbons are prepared for the Annual Meeting, in conjunction with Executive Office.
- Oversee preparation of award poster to be displayed at Annual Meeting
- Coordinate Don Tucker Award review process with Awards Committee
- Write President-Elect's Message for newsletter
- During the Annual Meeting, conduct the Awards Ceremony; present awards, checks and plaques
- During the Annual Meeting, coordinate Awards Committee review of Don Tucker Award nominees' presentations
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
- Attend and report to the members at the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- Notify Don Tucker Award winner, in conjunction with the Executive Office
BYLAWS: Article V. Officers, Section 4. Past President
The Past-President shall serve a term of one year. He/she shall advise and assist the President and serve on the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee. In the absence of the President, the Past-President shall preside over business meetings of the Society. The Past-President shall also serve as the Chair of the Elections Committee.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Serve as consultant to the President and as the “corporate memory” of AChemS through service on the Executive Committee; implement and coordinate the annual process of electing new officers
- Assist the President in the execution of his/her duties
- Serve on the Executive Committee
- Serve as Chair of the Elections Committee
- Chair Executive Committee and Business meetings if neither the President nor the President-Elect are able to do so
- Serve as the Chair of the Elections Committee
- Serve on the Bylaws Committee
- Serve at the pleasure of the President on special committees and projects
- Appoint new members to the Elections Committee in conjunction with the President, to be approved by the Executive Committee
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- Initiate election process consistent with bylaws; oversee election, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Develop Call for Officer Nominations; send via broadcast email to members, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Develop a slate of candidates for election of new officers, in conjunction with the Elections Committee and Executive Office (confirm candidates, inform of duties if elected, collect bio sketches)
- Write Past President's Message for newsletter
- Announce new officers via broadcast email, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
- Attend, and report to the members at, the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
BYLAWS: Article V. Officers, Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Society. He/she shall oversee full and accurate accounting of all disbursements and receipts of the Society. He/she shall be able to give an account of the financial transactions and financial status of the Society when requested to do so by the Executive Committee, and he/she shall make a full financial report to the members of the Society at the annual business meeting. The Treasurer shall have signatory powers and shall oversee the development of an annual budget. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall also serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall be elected by the Individual Members to serve a three-year term of office. No elected Treasurer shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Act as primary financial officer and point of contact for financial information for AChemS; develop and manage the annual AChemS budget
- Review association financial statements on a monthly basis, emailed by Executive Office
- Act as liaison between Executive Office, Executive Committee and members on budgetary and financial issues
- Approve payables over $2,500 (currently electronically)
- Monitor the budget and inform the Executive Committee of unanticipated expenses
- Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee
- Prepare annual budget, in conjunction with Executive Director
- Convene a meeting of the Finance Committee to approve budget
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call)
- Present budget to the Executive Committee for approval during the Executive Committee Midyear conference call
- Prepare and present other financial reports to the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Write Treasurer's Report for newsletter
- Prepare and present financial reports to the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- Attend, and present a financial report to the members at, the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
BYLAWS: Article V. Officers, Section 6. Secretary
The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Annual Business Meeting, all meetings of the Executive Committee and all other meetings, which may be specially convened. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to oversee preparation of the minutes of these meetings and have them distributed to the Society's membership. The Secretary shall carry on whatever correspondence the Executive Committee deems necessary and shall oversee the website, circulation of notices and newsletters. The Secretary shall also be a member of the Executive Committee. He/she shall be elected by the Individual Members to a two-year term of office. No elected Secretary shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Develop AChemS newsletter and oversee the AChemS website
- Solicit the membership for items to include in AChemS newsletter
- Ensure the AChemS website is updated; solicit links and events to announce via the website, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Monitor and approve all “newsworthy” submissions to the AChemS website, in conjunction with the Executive Office and the Public Information and Affairs Committee
- Oversee a record of all decisions made by the Executive Committee, at and between meetings, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Develop the newsletter, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Develop and coordinate the distribution of newsletter broadcast email membership, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- After Executive Committee meeting, edit draft minutes (prepared by Executive Office), to be sent to the Executive Committee for approval
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
- Attend and report to the members at the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- After Executive Committee meeting, proofread draft of minutes (prepared by Executive Office), to be sent to the Executive Committee for approval
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 4. Program Chair
The Program Chair shall preside over the proceedings of the Program Committee, and he/she shall keep the Executive Committee updated on the Program Committee's activities. He/she shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Program Committee in the development of the Annual Meeting. The Program Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Industry Liaison Committee. The Program Chair shall serve for a two-year term, the first year as Program Chair-Elect and the second year as Program Chair.
PRINCIPAL ROLE: Plan and execute the scientific content of the AChemS Annual Meeting
- Serve as Chair of the Program Committee
- Responsible for scientific content of the AChemS Annual Meeting
- Coordinate meeting logistics with the Executive Office
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Industry Liaison Committees (ILC)
- Serve on the Program Committee for an additional year, in an advisory capacity; review next annual meeting abstracts as a Program Committee member
- Appoint new members to the Program Committee in conjunction with the President
- Select and invite Givaudan Lecturer (ensure funding has been secured prior)
- Create annual meeting timeline with deadlines (abstract submission/review, program printing, speaker communication, etc.), in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- Develop schedule/format/outline of Annual Meeting
- Develop Preliminary Program for website posting/advertisement
- Update Annual Meeting website page with the Executive Office (ongoing)
- Solicit symposia proposals through “Call for Symposia,” in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Select meeting symposia in conjunction with the Program Committee; confirm speakers with relevant reimbursement information, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Write and edit broadcast emails to include abstract submission, abstract acceptance, registration, preliminary program, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Establish abstract services and prepare site for submission of abstracts, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Establish category, key word, or session title grouping for authors to use during submission
- Update abstract submission guidelines.
- Train on the program planning software of the abstract service
- Oversee abstract corrections, late submissions and withdrawals, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Oversee review process; review abstracts
- Create the final program in the abstract submission software
- Generate a list of abstracts in February that would appeal to a lay audience for the Public Information and Affairs Committee
- Coordinate workshop/other symposia scheduling and planning with applicable committees (e.g. Clinical Relations, ILC)
- Work with the Executive Office on meeting logistics (room size, location, etc.)
- Oversee the development of, and edit and proofread the electronic syllabus and hardcopy program book, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Write meeting announcement for the newsletter
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
- Announce Annual Meeting program highlights at the Awards Ceremony
- Attend, and report to the members at the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- Coordinate the submission of meeting abstracts to Chemical Senses for publication, in conjunction with the Executive Office
Bylaws: Article VII. Standing Committees Section 2. Program Committee Program Chair-Elect
The Program Chair-Elect shall be elected by the Individual Members for a term of one year. In the following year, he/she assumes the office of Program Chair. The Program Chair-Elect shall assist the Program Chair and Program Committee in the development of the Annual Meeting at the behest of the Program Chair. In the event that the Program Chair is unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities, the Program Chair-Elect will complete the unfinished term of the Program Chair. In the event the Program Chair-Elect has to complete the term of the Program Chair, the Executive Committee shall decide, whether he/she will serve again as Program Chair the following year, or if a special election to fill both the Program Chair and Program Chair-Elect positions is necessary.
- Select Polak Young Investigator Committee, with approval of President
- Verify number and amount of Polak Young Investigator Awards
- After abstract submission deadline, select Polak Young Investigator awardees on the scientific merit of their abstract submission, in conjunction with the Polak Young Investigator Committee
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 3. Membership Chair
The Membership Chair's primary duty will be to monitor membership trends. At the Chair's discretion, and in consultation with the President, he/she shall establish a Membership Committee as needed, and preside over the proceedings of that Committee. He/she shall bring before the Membership Committee issues related to the membership, and those matters that the Executive Committee deems important. He/she shall be elected by the Individual Members to a two-year term of office. No Membership Chair shall be eligible for re-election to his/her office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
PRINCIPAL ROLE: Act as liaison between membership and Executive Committee; develop and execute membership recruitment and retention campaign and oversee collection of dues
- Propose changes in application procedure if necessary, for Executive Committee approval
- Review and approve new member applications as needed
- Adjudicate requests for exceptions concerning membership status and dues payment
- Compose, schedule and send dues reminder emails, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Respond to members' questions regarding membership
- Develop annual membership recruitment and retention campaign, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Update the official AChemS membership application form, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Review and update the AChemS membership payment process/dues invoice, in conjunction with Executive Office
- Review year-end member reports, as prepared by the Executive Office (June 30 end of membership year)
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- Prepare membership reports; attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
- Attend, and report to the members, at the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 1. Senior Advisor
The Senior Advisor shall participate as advisor to the Executive Committee, in a non-voting capacity and be a member of the Bylaws Committee. He/she will provide corporate memory to assist the other officers. The Senior Advisor will also assist the President as needed in the execution of duties and serve at the pleasure of the President on special committees and projects. The Senior Advisor will serve a term of one year immediately after serving as Past President.
PRINCIPAL ROLE: Participate as advisor and provide “corporate memory” to Executive Committee
Year round
- Assist the President in execution of his/her duties
- Serve at the pleasure of the President on special committees and projects
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee Meeting (typically held via conference call)
- Attend Executive Committee Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
- Attend at the Business Meeting held during the Annual Meeting
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 2. Councilors
The Councilors shall participate and vote in the Executive Committee's deliberations, and shall oversee awards as assigned by the Executive Committee. A Councilor shall also be a member of the Bylaws Committee as appointed by the President. The Executive Committee may assign additional tasks to the Councilors. The Junior Councilor shall be elected by the Individual Members to a one-year term of office and automatically assume the Senior Councilor position for a second one-year term. No elected Councilor shall be eligible for reelection to his/her office immediately after serving the two year step-wise term.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Oversee Student Travel and Housing Awards, Polak Postdoctoral Travel Awards, and community outreach events at the Annual Meeting.
- Announce application for Student Travel and Housing Awards and Polak Postdoctoral Travel Awards, in conjunction with other awards and the Executive Office
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee meeting (typically held by conference call) and report to the Executive Committee
- Plan/coordinate AChemS community outreach program, in conjunction with the Executive Office
- Solicit volunteers for community outreach program
- Select Student Travel and Housing Awardees
- Select Polak Postdoctoral Travel Awardees
- Coordinate community outreach program onsite activities
- Attend Executive Committee meeting at Annual Meeting and report to the Executive Committee
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 5. Postdoctoral Representative and Graduate Student Representative
The Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Representatives shall survey and advocate issues of relevance on behalf of student and postdoctoral members. The representatives will organize and lead the selection of undergraduate awards at the annual meeting, as well as assist the Mentoring and Networking Committee and advise the Program committee in organizing student and postdoc related activities. Each representative will be elected by Individual Members to a two-year term of office.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: Represent and promote the interests of student and postdoc members; organize the undergraduate poster awards; help plan student and postdoc related activities with the Mentoring and Networking Committee.
- Advise Program Committee on student and postdoc related activities for the Annual Meeting
- Attend Midyear Executive Committee meeting (typically held by conference call)
- Survey the graduate student and postdoc members on issues of relevance
- Solicit graduate student and postdoc volunteers to serve as judges for undergraduate posters
- Plan/coordinate mentoring and/or networking activities for students and postdocs, in conjunction with the Mentoring and Networking Committee
- Coordinate and train volunteer judges
- Select undergraduate student poster awardees at the Annual Meeting
- Attend Executive Committee meeting at Annual Meeting
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 6. Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair
The Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall participate as voting members of the Executive Committee. Each will be elected by the Individual Members to a three-year term of office. No elected Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: The Diversity Committee shall increase visibility and participation of underrepresented minorities in the sciences in the Society and at the Annual Meeting.
The Committee shall oversee the Travel Fellowships for Diversity Awards, in compliance with any grants aims in effect and /or as directed by the Executive Committee.
Bylaws: Article VI. Other Members of the Executive Committee Section 6. Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair
The Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall participate as voting members of the Executive Committee. Each will be elected by the Individual Members to a three-year term of office. No elected Mentoring/Networking Chair and Diversity Chair shall be eligible for reelection to their office immediately after serving two consecutive terms.
PRINCIPAL ROLES: The Mentoring/Networking Committee shall increase visibility and participation of junior members in the Society as well as increase mentorship opportunities between junior and senior members. The Committee is also responsible for organizing activities during the Annual Meeting that may be of special interest to members.