Mission, Vision and Values Statements

I. Mission

The Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) strives to advance scientific research in the "chemical senses" of smell, taste, chemesthesis, internal chemoreception and related disciplines, and promotes the use of this science for the benefit of all living organisms.

AChemS strives to be a respected source of scientific knowledge about the chemical senses, and the application of this knowledge to policies and practices that will lead to improvements in health and well-being.

AChemS will share this knowledge and educate the public about the nature of scientific discoveries related to the chemical senses, as well as provide a context for how these discoveries can impact living systems.

AChemS will promote professional scientific development, and integrate racial, cultural, economic, and contextual diversity in all aspects of chemoreception science.

II. Scientific Vision

Our vision is to lead as the preeminent scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of chemoreception science, encompassing smell, taste, chemethesis, internal chemoreception and related disciplines by advancing breakthrough discoveries in these areas and promoting innovative translation of scientific advances to improve the health of people everywhere. We strive to be a primary source of authoritative information for the scientific community, offering essential insights into the fundamental mechanisms underlying these senses and their related disorders, while serving as a trusted provider of reliable knowledge to the public.

To achieve our vision, we aim to attract the active participation of academic, government, professional societies, and industry scientists from various relevant disciplines and career stages and serve as a nexus for their interactions. We are committed to nurturing and supporting the professional growth of aspiring trainees and early career scientists with research interests in the chemoreception sciences.

Furthermore, we aspire to foster a thriving community by encouraging and promoting the active engagement of our members in diverse AChemS activities. We also seek to increase our representation and impact, and to secure the necessary financial support to sustain our current initiatives and drive future development through targeted marketing and outreach, engagement and networking events, as well as enhanced membership growth and support.

III. Organizational Values

Advance scientific excellence and in the chemical senses and related disciplines
AChemS recognizes, inspires, and enables a robust research ecosystem that drives discovery and innovation and prepares future chemosensory scientists.

Foster equity and inclusion for scientific excellence
AChemS fosters diverse, equitable, open, and inclusive scientific enterprises that are essential for scientific excellence.

Make chemosensory science accessible to scientists and the public
AChemS enhances awareness of chemosensation among scientists and makes scientifically accurate information accessible to the public.

Catalyze progress where chemosensory science meets policy
AChemS provides actionable evidence for public policy that serves society, and promotes policies that enable quality science.
