The Ajinomoto Award for Young Investigators in Gustation or Oral Chemosensation, made possible by the generous support of The Ajinomoto Corp., is awarded annually to an outstanding junior scientist who is an emerging leader in the field of gustation. The research record should provide evidence of excellence and contributions that have had or are likely to have a major impact on research in the field of gustation. The award is given during the Welcome/Awards Ceremony on opening night of the Annual Meeting.
All nominations should be submitted using the Online Award Nomination Form. For Award Re-Nomination Guidelines, click here. Nominations may be made by AChemS members only.
Nominees should be an AChemS member in good standing and have received their doctoral degrees 15 or fewer years prior to the year of the granting of the award.
Visit the Past Awardees & Lecturers page to view past winners of the award.